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The holiday season is an especially busy time of year, but with its parties and emphasis on food and drink, it’s also traditionally the time of year that people become sidetracked from their fitness plans–and some people positively derail. You can keep your fitness goals on track during the holiday by making time for the gym and prioritizing your workout plans. It may take some careful planning and discipline to stick to your workout schedule, but you’ll be able to indulge without guilt simply by sticking to your fitness routine. The following tips can help.

Visit the Gym in the Morning

During the holiday season, you might be tempted to skip the gym after work in order to have a drink with friends or to attend a festive get-together. Plus, holiday shopping can really put a dent in your free time. By shifting your workouts to the morning, you won’t miss out on your fitness routine. Plus, a morning workout can energize you for the day ahead.

Find a Workout Buddy

It can be tough trying to stay on track by ourselves. If you have a sibling or friend who also wants to maintain their fitness goals, consider setting aside time to visit the gym together. Or, even if you are long distance, try to keep one another accountable for working out. You can also consider working with a personal trainer at your gym. Having a mentor is a great way to get help staying focused on your fitness goals.

Change Your Workout Routine

If you are pressed for time, you don’t have to spend an entire hour at the gym. You can condense your workouts to 20 or 30 minutes sessions. Focus on making your abbreviated workout sessions more intensive. By changing up your routine during the holiday season, you can add some fun variety to your gym visits while still maintaining your fitness journey.

Use a Scheduling App or Calendar

Treat your gym sessions like appointments you can’t miss. In fact, schedule your workout time and try to stick to your weekly plan. If you have a smartphone, use a scheduling app or your calendar to set aside time to visit your gym. When you can easily see your workout schedule, you’ll be less inclined to schedule something else at those times.

Embrace Flexibility

Even with a tight schedule, you may be forced to change your gym plans. Don’t worry! Just be flexible. If you have to cancel today’s gym visit, be sure to visit the following day. If your typically exhausting workouts are too much for you with all the holiday shopping or baking you need to attend to, embrace a low-impact workout during the season. Even low-impact workouts are healthful and will help you maintain your fitness.

Working out during the holidays is important, but you have to prioritize your commitment to visiting the gym no matter how bustling the season gets. These tips can help. You’ll also find that the personal trainers of Bayshore Fit can help you adapt a workout plan to your temporarily busier schedule.