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Our country may disagree on many matters, especially in an election year, but the pursuit of weight loss has a way of uniting people with a common purpose. While some want to lose significant weight to avoid health complications, others want to lose just a few pounds to feel trimmer. Whatever your own goal may be, there are a number of myths out there standing in your way of truly understanding how to lose weight in a healthy, sustainable way.

Misconception #1: You Must Count Calories to Lose Weight

While many people have definitely found success counting calories and losing weight, this is by no means a required task. It’s far more important to consider where your calories come from. 1,000 calories from blueberry pie and a double cheeseburger are far, far worse than 1,500 calories from clean foods like brown rice, avocado, yogurt, and fruit.

At the end of the day, counting your calories can’t hurt, but the exact number holds less importance that the quality of the food you put in your body.

Misconception #2: Carbs Are the Enemy

Your body needs carbohydrates, just in high quality forms. Eating 10 breadsticks and 2 bagels with dinner definitely won’t help you lose weight, but there’s no reason you should feel guilty adding natural sources of carbs like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains into your diet. “Bad” carbohydrates include donuts, cookies, refined white bread, and other calories that serve no nutritious purpose.

Misconception #3: Fats Make You Fat

Dietary fat earned a big scarlet letter back in the 90s and still hasn’t shed it completely. At the time, it was declared that fat should be avoided like a disease, and millions of us listened. The truth is, mono- and polyunsaturated fats are absolutely crucial for your body’s health. They lower cholesterol, keep your immune system and digestive system running smoothly, and even boost your brain power.

These healthy fats also keep your body energized and help maintain your metabolism. It’s true that trans-fat should be avoided like a disease, but walnuts, avocados, and olive oil should be embraced as excellent weight loss tools!

With those myths cleared up, you can pursue your weight loss goals without any wrong turns.