Is High Intensity Interval Training Right for You?

Regular exercise is one of the best gifts you can give yourself, but it isn’t always easy to determine exactly what exercise routine you should use. From the treadmill to the free weights and everything in between, you definitely have a wide range of options for each...

Are You Ready to Run Your First Marathon?

Running is a beloved sport that continues to grow in popularity. If you have a pair of sneakers, a road, and a bit of determination, there’s no reason that you can’t transform your desire to run into the reality of crossing the finish line at your first marathon. But...

The Crazy Benefits of Kombucha You Never Knew

If you’ve never tried Kombucha before, go find a bottle and prepare to be craving it every single day. Kombucha is an incredible probiotic health drink that is not only delicious but also impressively good for the body. Afterall, it has been known as the “Immortal...