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It used to be that a core was simply the center of an apple, but our favorite fitness gurus like Shaun T have introduced us to an entirely new way to think about “the core.”

What Is “The Core”?

You might think that your core is simply your ab muscles, and that with 20 crunches a day you’re all set. But you’d be wrong. The core is a group of muscles in your torso that do much more than sculpt that six pack you’re after; it’s the front, side, and very deep layer of muscle that comprise your entire…well, core! The core is the foundation of all of your body’s movements, from mundane activities like walking and running to more complicated activities like snowboarding. Furthermore, balance, posture, and back health have been consistently linked to core strength.

Using Your Core in Fitness

Every workout activity you can think of doing, from cycling to lifting weights to kickboxing, all begin in the core. Your core muscles serve as the foundation of your strength, so the more you work your core, the more dramatic improvement you’ll see in your other exercises. Yoga and Pilates are excellent activities that strengthen the core through poses and movements.

A stronger core won’t just benefit you in the gym, either. You’ll notice that carrying heavy groceries, raking leaves, and carrying your toddler around the water park won’t seem quite so difficult anymore.

But I Have to Sit All Day at Work!

Our increasingly sedentary lifestyles, often a product of working at a computer or desk, make it more of challenge to keep the core fit and engaged, but it’s not impossible. Take inventory of your body at work. Try to maintain strong posture by sitting up straight, pulling back your shoulders, and pulling your belly button towards your spine. Working with your core actively engaged in this way will improve your back health and pave the way for better fitness.